Navigating political activities at work can be challenging, especially in a time when U.S. politics are as polarizing as they’ve ever been. While it’s important to respect individual beliefs of our employees and nurture a diverse environment, it’s equally crucial to maintain a professional (and harmonious) workplace.

Political activities encompass a wide range of behaviors, from casual discussions about current events to more organized activities like campaigning or advocacy. The challenge for employers is to navigate these activities in a way that respects individual freedoms while ensuring that they don’t disrupt the workplace. Here’s a practical guide on how to handle political activities in the workplace, ensuring that discussions remain respectful — and productivity doesn’t take a hit.

1. Develop a clear policy.

The first step in managing political activities is to develop a comprehensive policy. This policy should address several key areas:

  • Political discussions: Outline where and when political discussions are appropriate (if at all). For example, you might create a safe space (via Slack or Zoom) for employees to voice their concerns over legislature that directly impacts them; like the overturning of Roe V. Wade, or limited access to gender-affirming care.
  • Political expression: Clarify the limits on wearing political apparel or displaying political signs in the office. This ensures that political expression doesn’t create a divisive atmosphere or make others feel uncomfortable. Many companies prohibit the promotion of political views or beliefs at work.
  • Campaign activities: Specify rules regarding political campaigning or fundraising within the workplace. For example, you might want to encourage employees to never use company assets or resources — a category that includes work time — to engage in political activities like fundraising or solicitation.
  • Provide examples: Include concrete examples in your policy to illustrate what’s considered acceptable and what isn’t. This will help employees understand the boundaries more clearly and apply them consistently in their day-to-day.

“I don’t think there’s a ‘right’ way to lead during hard times. Instead, as a leader, what’s most important is to figure out a style that is authentic to you and what your team needs.”

Roxanne Petraeus, CEO and Co-founder, Ethena

2. Communicate clearly (and frequently).

Once your policy is in place, effective communication is essential. Here’s how to ensure your team is well-informed:

  • Training and orientation: Include the policy in employee handbooks and discuss it during onboarding and in Code of Conduct training. Regularly review the policy in team meetings to keep it top of mind.
  • Accessible documentation: Make sure the policy is easily accessible to all employees, ideally through a shared document repository.
  • Open dialogue: Create and maintain an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing the policy and its implications. Be transparent in addressing any concerns or questions.

3. Foster an inclusive environment.

To reduce the risk of potential conflicts, it’s important to create an inclusive environment where diverse views are respected:

  • Encourage constructive conversations: Promote open dialogue that focuses on understanding different perspectives rather than winning debates. Providing training on respectful communication can be helpful.
  • Support inclusivity: Ensure that your policy is designed to support inclusivity and diversity. Avoid policies that might disproportionately affect certain groups or viewpoints.
  • Provide resources: Offer resources or training on conflict resolution and how to handle disagreements professionally. This prepares employees to manage political discussions in a constructive way.

4. Monitor, adapt, and enforce the policy.

Implementing a policy is only effective if it’s consistently enforced! Here’s how to manage this:

  • Regular reviews: Periodically review and update the policy to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Seek feedback from employees on its impact and make adjustments as necessary.
  • Address violations in a timely manner: If issues arise, address them promptly and fairly. Ensure that there is a clear process for reporting and resolving conflicts related to political activities.
  • Lead by example: Leadership should model the behavior expected from employees. Demonstrating respect and neutrality in political discussions sets a positive tone for the rest of the team.

FREE Slack announcement template

Once your political activities policy is complete, it’s time to roll it out to your employees. Here’s a simple Slack template you can copy and paste (and customize to your liking).

Hi everyone!

With the upcoming election just months away, the HR & Legal teams have been hard at work on a new policy that will help us navigate the gray area of political activities in the workplace.

OK, we have yet another company policy. So what?

[Company]’s goal is to create a workplace where everyone feels respected and valued, regardless of their personal beliefs. Political discussions and activities can sometimes be divisive or lead to unintended conflicts. The guidelines outlined in this policy ensure that our work environment remains positive and focused on our collective goals.

What do I need to know?

Here are the key aspects of the policy:

  • Political discussions: Use your discretion. Open, respectful dialogue is allowed, but ideally should be saved for moderated discussion groups hosted by an ERG. This helps prevent interruptions to work and maintains a professional atmosphere.
  • Political expression: Do not promote political views or beliefs (including distributing materials) on Company premises.
  • Campaigning and advocacy: Using company resources or time for political campaigning or fundraising is not permitted. Contact HR or Legal if you intend to personally pursue public office.

Does my cooperation actually matter?

It does! By sticking to the guidelines in this policy, we can ensure that our workplace remains a friendly and welcoming place for everyone. When everyone feels comfortable and safe, we can work together more effectively and focus on our shared goal of [XYZ].

What’s next?

Please take some time to review the attached policy document, which provides more detailed information on these guidelines.

The final word

Setting expectations around political activities in the workplace requires a thoughtful approach. By developing a clear policy, communicating it effectively, and enforcing the guidelines within, companies can create a friendly environment where political differences don’t overshadow professional goals and relationships.