Middle managers play a pivotal role in shaping workplace culture. They’re the ones setting the tone for their teams — the “tone from the middle”, if you will — ensuring company values translate into daily actions, while also navigating ethical gray areas. But ethical workplaces don’t just happen overnight.

You’ve seen the headlines; companies dealing with ethical missteps that lead to legal issues, financial penalties, and reputational damage. But here’s what’s often overlooked: employees take their ethical cues from their managers. Without effective training, middle managers might unknowingly reinforce behaviors that put your company at risk, or create a culture of silence around misconduct.

But there’s good news: research from Ethisphere underscores just how impactful managers can be when they actively engage with their teams about ethics and compliance (E&C). Employees in these environments are:

  • Twice as likely to feel comfortable raising concerns
  • 54% more likely to believe their coworkers always act ethically
  • 90% more likely to trust in the company’s commitment to anti-retaliation
  • 24% more likely to feel a personal responsibility to ensure the company does the right thing

In short: when managers lead with integrity, employees follow.

Introducing Ethical Management

We partnered with our friends at Ethisphere to build a new course designed specifically for these mid-level managers. The course, titled Ethical Management, aims to help managers understand their role in promoting integrity, encouraging a speak-up culture, and making ethical decisions in real-world scenarios.

Course highlights:

  • 15 minutes
  • Customizable training content
  • Available in multiple languages
  • Meets accessibility standards
  • Auto-saves progress
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Flexible delivery — available on Ethena or your LMS (SCORM)

Included modules:

1. What is Ethical Management?

  • Detailed explanation on this type of management style is and its benefits
  • How it impacts business and why it’s important to address E&C topics regularly
  • How managers can prepare for conversations on the topics of ethics and compliance 
  • Actionable steps to take when an employee reports a concern and how to handle retaliation
  • Real-world examples woven throughout and a final learner test  

2. Creating a Speak-Up Culture

  • The benefits of a vibrant speak-up culture, which involves both employees speaking up and management listening effectively
  • Why the “tone from the top” (C-Suite) and “tone from the middle” (direct managers) both matter when creating a speak-up culture
  • Tips on how to build a speak-up culture both company-wide and team-wide
  • Real-world examples woven throughout and a final learner test 

3. Psychological Safety

  • What psychological safety is and how it relates to speak-up culture
  • The benefits of nurturing psychological safety
  • What it means to be an “approachable manager” 
  • Tips to improve manager accountability
  • Real-world examples woven throughout and a final learner test 

Ready to empower your managers?

A strong ethical culture starts with well-equipped managers. By providing them with the right training, you’re not just checking another box; you’re building a workplace where integrity thrives. It’s time we make ethical leadership the norm — not the exception. Click here to preview the course for free!